Welcome to Talkclub support page, here you can find all the information you need to answer your questions or to get in touch with us.

Help and Support

Our user support is made mainly by our official Discord channel, or via email. You can always email us or send us a message on discord detailing your questions and requests.

Reporting a user

Reporting a user can be done very easily, by just clicking on their profile menu, and selecting the Report option. On the report window you should select the primary reason of the report and give us a brief description of what happened. You can also contact us directly via discord or email.

Suggestions and Improvements

Suggestions are always welcome, feel free to contact us by our email address, or by our official Discord channel, detailing the feature or improvement that you want us to add. We will be very grateful.

Bug Reports

In case you found any bug in the Talkclub application, you can let us know, by sending us an email or messaging us on our official Discord channel. You should give us a brief detailing of the bug and if possible send screenshots as well.

Terms of Use


Privacy Policy
