By using Talkclub you agree with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy


When the user access Talkclub, we collect basic information in respect to their device, they are: IP Address, Browser Version, OS Version.


By logging in using Google or Apple, we collect and store the following information:  Profile Picture Url, Name.

Third Party Services

We use third party services, they are: Firebase, Google Login, Google Analytics, Google Adsense, Google Admob, Youtube Data API, Youtube Embed, those services also collect information of who visits the Talkclub.

Third Party Links

  1. We make it possible for users to share links from third-party sites through the rooms, such links lead to other sites with their own privacy policies.
  2. We make it possible for users to share an iframe embeded version of third-party casual games sites, in order to make it possible to played with other users of the same room. Those websites have they own privacy policies.


Every time a user logs in a Talkclub account, we store on their browser and send to the server requests, a token regarding the authentication system, with the purpose of making work the features of authentication.

How do we use the information?

  1. Features: The information we collect is used in order to make the Talkclub features work as expected.